Children of Lord Viṣṇu and Devi Lakśmī

As per Yajur veda, all the Gods are children of Bhu devi (mahalakshmi) and Narayana (here, prajapati).

āpo vā idam agre salilam āsīt tasmin prajāpatir vāyur bhūtvācarat sa imām apaśyat tām varāho bhūtvāharat tām viśvakarmā bhūtvā vy sāprathata sā pṛthivy abhavat tat pṛthivyai pṛthivitvam | tasyām aśrāmyat prajāpatiḥ sa devān asrjata vasūn rudrān ādityān te devāḥ prajāptim abruvan pra jāyāmahā iti so 'bravit II

~ This was in the beginning the waters, the ocean. In it Prajapati becoming the wind moved. He saw her, and becoming a boar he seized her. Her, becoming Viśvakarmā, he wiped. She extended, she became the earth, and hence the earth is called the earth (lit. 'the extended'). In her Prajapati made effort. He produced the gods, Vasus, Rudras, and Adityas.

(Yajur veda, Taittiriya samhita 7.1.5)

Note:- Rudra here does not mean Lord Śiva, Rudra here refers of the class of god's known as Rudra. 

Lakshmi-Narayana as indweller of Brahma, created all the Gods.

The whole universe emerged from Lord visnu :

adbhyassambhūtaḥ pṛthivyai rasācca I viśvakarmaṇassamavartatādhi I tasya tvaṣṭā vidadhadrūpameti I tatpuruṣasya viśvamājānamagre I

~ The universe arose from Viśvakarma (visnu) through water, earth, fire and other elements. He excelled Āditya, Indra and other gods. The sun called Tvaṣṭā rises in the morning embodying His brilliance. In the beginning of creation the mortal world enveloped in gloom received its divine brilliance from the sun shining in the glory of Paramātman.

(Yajur veda, Taittiriya aranayaka 3.13.1)

The whole universe, including all Gods, Goddesses and creatures are children of Lakshmi Narayana :

arāvīdaṃśuḥ sacamāna ūrmiṇā devāvyaṃ manuṣe pinvatitvacam | dadhāti gharbhamaditerupastha ā yena tokaṃ ca tanayaṃ ca dhāmahe ||

~ The Soma-stalk (Narayana) hath roared, following with the wave: he swells with sap for man the skin which Gods enjoy. Upon the lap (womb) of Aditi (mahalakshmi) he lays the germ, by means whereof we gain children and progeny.

(Rig veda samhita, 9.74.5)



Śrī Varāha

Śrī Varāha is not my real name but the name of Lord Viṣṇu's wild boar avatar. Chant this Mantra with me:- ॐ वं वराहाय नम: The universe bows to Lord Varāha, I bow to Lord Varāha

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